garcinia cambogia


Garcinia-Cambogia:Weight-Loss Fact or Fiction?
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Expiration Date: January 1, 2019 
Garcinia is very hot. Almost one million Americans each month Google supplements this supposed weight loss. They are looking at the effectiveness of Garcinia cambogia, what kind of side effects it causes, and where they can buy its reviews. My mother recently bought a bottle of drugs at Costco because she saw a festival about Garcinia in TV.
The manufacturer claims that Garcinia cambogia increases weight loss by "reducing the body's ability to absorb fat", "replacing fat with toned muscles," and even improving your mood and suppressing "the power to respond to food tensions.
How, you can ask?
 It is mainly immobilized on hydroxy-citric acid (HCA), which is present in Garcinia cambogia, which appears to inhibit enzymes called citrate lyase and interfere with fatty acid metabolism. 

In a Petri dish, HCA does," says Dr. Steven    Heymsfield, formirector of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge. "It  takes 1,000 steps to turn it into a human body," he says.                  
As early as 1998, Heymsfield published the first randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of Garcinia cambogia, the Journal of the American Medical Association. He found no weight loss benefits. Heymsfield continues to study the subject of Pennington's weight loss supplements, saying that she has published about a dozen negative studies on Garcinia cambogia. But that does not prevent marketers from adding, he says, from "weaving a story with fuzzy facts." Maybe every piece has some validity, but if you put it together, it does not make any sense at all.
Learn more about the potential side effects of Garcinia cambogia, dietary supplement safety and supplemental ingredients that are always avoided.
His first study, conducted by the Obesity Research Center at Columbia University, studied 135 overweight men and women, aged 18 to 65 years; about half of them were given garcinia nuts and the other half a placebo three times a day before meals. Both groups were fed a high-fiber diet and returned every two weeks for evaluation. At the end of the 12-week trial, there was no significant difference in weight loss between the two groups.
The same conclusion was drawn in the 12 trials published in the Journal of Obesity published in 2011 that dealt with the product. Another study by researchers at the University of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, published in the Journal of Medical Complementary Medicine in 2013 found that the overall evidence for Garcinia cambogia was "not convincing."
  • Try to lose weight?                                                    
  • What works for you? Let's know in the comments section below.
  • As for the side effects of Garcinia cambogia, comparative studies and animal studies found little, although Heymsfield said, "I do not think it is 100% safe.            

In 2009, the FDA warned consumers that Hydroxycut is a product line containing garcinia and several other ingredients based on serious health problems including jaundice, elevated liver enzymes, liver damage requiring transplantation and one case Liver failure death. The FDA said it was unable to determine which components were associated with liver damage. (Hydroxycut's maker, Iovate Health Sciences, withdrew the product, although it has returned a recombinant product to the market that does not contain Garcinia cambogia.
"Obesity is very difficult, because only some are related to self-control," Heymsfield said. "It's not easy to lose weight in our environment. Just preventing further weight gain is somebody's success." Heymsfield says that aside from wasting money, the biggest problem is gingko fruit, which is the main focus of distraction, Things: Increase your activity level and eat a healthier diet.



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